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Steak it til' you make it....

It's been a bit since I've had a chance to get a post up. We've been busy doing lots of great things the over the last little bit. We can now be found in some local store fronts as well as just online and we are working with an awesome food blogger/ recipe developer for some instant pot recipes for everyone so stay tuned for those. We all know that bison meat is super lean and super healthy for you but many people are so scared to try it because they don't want to screw it up... It's not that it's hard to cook its just that it's not beef so you can't expect it to act the same. Since it has so much less fat content than beef many people over cook it. The key to bison meat is low and slow, you still need some heat to get that sear on some steaks but once you have your sear just turn it down and let it do it's thing. Nobody gets it right that first time, myself included.

So we made some delicious rib eyes this weekend with all locally sourced ingredients, there are so many cool shops out there I had no idea. They were some really thick steaks, I've been cooking bison steaks for years I've always gone with my tried and true pan fry to sear and finish in the oven. Turns out every oven is different, and steak thickness made a way bigger difference than I thought. I'm usually sear 2-3min each side then into the over for 8-10min at 400F for a perfect medium rare. So I had timed everything out to go with that... everything is ready to go, I pull the steaks out and they are still blue rare!! Not even close to medium rare. I ended up doing an extra 8minutes in the oven to get the medium rare I wanted after resting. Bison steaks are best served medium rare or less. They start to dry out and lose some of their magic if you're going over medium like any steak. Moral of the story keep a meat thermometer handy, learn your oven and don't give up if it's not exactly right the first time you try it.

We paired our rib eyes with truffle salt smashed potatoes, sautéed red bell pepper and green goddess sauce, with a nice lettuce/avocado salad. Good luck out there home chefs, and remember if at first you don't succeed Steak it til' you make it!

You can also check us out on Instagram @drbisonlife and please tag us in your creations using #drbison

Until next time, eat well.


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